1.Anyone would be delighted to be allowed to play alongside a player like Vieira and I'm going to give it my best shot.
2."The other shooters all came up to me and told me I was the best shot today, " he said.
3."He's going to protect the rim as one of the best shot-blockers in the league, " he said.
4.Here's the truth: your best shot at job security is performing your job tasks to the best of your abilities.
5.If I thought something would work and it didn't even after I gave it my best shot, well then, I've always learned something of value.
6.You don't have to make a drama out of it, we gave it our best shot, the dream almost became true.
7.But, something deep down told him that high school wouldn't be so bad, so giving it his best shot would certainly be a good start.
8.Rather than risk missing out on a key moment, they skip the needs gathering and early stage user research and take their best shot instead.
9.Your best shot at being part of a happy couple is to know you are capable of being OK on your own.
10.And while these three have the best shot of succeeding in the digital video download space, they are by no means the only ones trying.